Simplicity is the ultimate Sophistication |
To me design is a way of life. People usually judge things based on performance, durability and functionality. They usually think that design is just the way the products look. It's secondary. If it's not there, it doesn’t matter.
I believe that it's not the products that one is selling, in fact it's all about the experience. That is the USP of any company. The functionality, reliability and everything else combines to an experience which is the final outcome of the product.
We are always fascinated by things on an emotional level |
Evolution has built us to be emotional. No matter how much technical we intend to get, we just can't ignore the fact that we tend to attach more to certain things than other. People usually attach to the iPod rather than any other music player because of the experience it provides. It's not just because it produces better sound than others, or because it looks better. The overall experience of the product including the sound output, the handling and the looks provide better experience.
Design is the Experience |
Design is an experience. Design is all about innovation and the core fundamental of innovation is to make this world a better place and for us to have a better experience.
Design is always closely related to simplicity. As it is widely known, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, and indeed it is. To make something simple, to make it less complicated, to remove the cluster requires a great deal of craftsmanship. A better experience always comes with a great deal of hard work and lot of innovation behind.