Friday, 10 August 2012

Obejct Drawing II

I started with practising some rendering at first.

Then I started with sketching various styles of cell phones. They are of the most basic form. Also, they help me improve my quality of lines.

In some cases the perspective might seem completely distorted as I didn't use any eraser to rectify any mistake, but I improved gradually. 

After I was done with phones, I went on with some random objects which involved some curves at times.

With the above sketches I mainly concentrated on improving my quality of lines, speed and rendering quality. They were mostly drawn from life or from images; I didn't design or redesign them myself. In the process I learned about ways of holding the pencil properly so that the lines are not jagged and also improved on my speed and confidence.

Human Poses

I started practising the basics of Human figure.

In between I did one cartoon as well, though it is incomplete.

After exploring different poses in the manikin, I did a few complete figures.

Object Drawing

The above watch was a answer to a question in NID which asked to draw an object that we use daily and often forget to take it.

And then there was some practice on shading and rendering

There was an exercise to use "S" and using line drawing resemble S as Sachin Tendulkar
Another question asked to denote Lady Gaga using "L". This time I could use object apart from line drawing.

In the above drawing I tried to depict the the stages of a mango. It is an exercise mainly to familiarize with colours.
And then some action figures