All my life I have shot photographs in
Program mode. I mostly relied upon Photoshop to do the work for me. Today
everything changed. I have been studying a bit about exposures for the past
couple of days. Today I got a chance to apply them.
This is a totally unedited photo. Despite
any Photoshop tweaks, I really like this photograph. It was shot in manual
mode. I kept the maximum aperture my camera allowed at 55.9 mm focal length. f/3.5. The light metering was evaluative because I needed a good overall exposure. The white balance was auto which resulted the greenish bars. Mistake! It was pretty
sunny and I had set the ISO level to 100. I exposed the sensor for 1/50th of a second. The bus passing
behind the boy gave motion to the picture and also established good DOF (depth of
field). I also loved the subtle illumination caused by the sun rays falling
upon the boy and the bars.
The only problem was with the car parked
beside which was totally blown off. But that was the compromise I was ready to
make to illuminate the rest of the scene.
This is a good shot...